Our Company

Our Company

Receptive Tours Group “RTG” is anything but a “Typical Tour Operator”. RTG is a B2B Destination Management Company, a.k.a. a “ground handler” for our Tour Operator clients from around the globe. RTG is in the business of creating Exceptional Experiences at the Destinations in which we operate; New York City, Washington DC, Orlando, Chicago, San Antonio/Dallas, Los Angeles, Honolulu, etc. To that end, we adjusted & adapted to what we believed the new normal would look like for the foreseeable future for group travel, bulking up our field staff accordingly, to ensure the needs of our client’s groups are met and exceeded. We reimagined our on-the-ground group & risk management techniques re-focusing them on balancing health & safety with the overall group travel Experience.

The consistent superior level of service RTG delivers to each of our partner clients, whether a Senior, Leisure, Cruise, Student or Family groups of 20+ or a full-on Congress, Convention, Corporate, Incentive, or MICE contingent of 500+, would not be possible but for our professional and dynamic “Red-Jacket” Field & Management Teams which we believe are second to none.

To keep up to date on the ever changing security landscape in NYC, the entire Receptive Tours team participates in periodic safety awareness briefings conducted by our partners at the NYPD.

For our clients’ enhanced peace of mind, RTG maintains professional liability insurance that is 5x the industry standard.

There’s “never a second chance to make that first impression.” Experience Above All… Receptive Tours Group